Driven by an earnest desire to facilitate job opportunities to deserving individuals, and to counsel and address the issues relating to careers and required skill sets, Selection Search was formed in March, 2006. Spearheaded by a team of individuals who have had valuable experience in the field of education for more than a decade. Selection Search today caters to requirements for diverse industries.

We are one of the few search companies which also facilitates educational institutions throughout the country in finding competent and capable leaders and educators.


The search for two senior management team members culminated in the appointment of our very dynamic Principal and extremely committed Vice- principal. Being highly reputed and focused in the field of education gives her an edge. Thus she has access to a high quality database and candidates.

Her meticulous selection brought forward an impressive short list from the best known schools in the country. Her careful reference checking made the selection thorough.

Sharmistha Julka

Director, The Sagar School

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